Into the Fray

Week 1, February 9-13.

Summary of week 1.

I'll admit, I wasn't quite sure what I would be doing at the law firm. I had a tentative thesis/outline. I had various information from here and there. But, nothing along the lines of "this is what you'll be doing for the next 3 months."

That still hasn't changed.

But, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was introduced to a new project that the members of this firm had not yet embarked on which means, at least to a certain extent, I am able to learn with them. They can teach me and I can teach them, or at least try to. As my time here progresses, I learn a little more about the job description and what my workload will consist down the road.

So far, I have these in mind:

Marketing manual:

I will create a manual with marketing techniques and information tailored to this firm's business makeup for future marketing managers.

Corporate Structure:

This will be on my own time. I will supplement the research I conduct on marketing techniques and analyze how large scale corporations perform marketing.

Okay now onto my project. I can't give too much information as like I said in my first post, it has to remain confidential, but I will try to include as much as I can.

Project #001

Had initial meeting with the head manager at the firm. We began by outlining each company under my bosses' name as well as their respective histories, how they were started, how they were set-up, and how they were doing.

Next, we discussed the industry/competition of each individual company. We covered everything from outlines of mission statements and business plans to corporate drama and power struggles.

Again, like I said not too many details but I'd be more than happy to answer any questions.

Okay, what I've learned this week:

The world of online marketing is HUGE and is only getting bigger.

The amount of information that is out there is enormous and I know for one thing is that if any business wants to become successful, they better implement some kind of online marketing.


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